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Blood, Sweat, Tears

Thesis Exhibit at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, 2024

Artist Statement

Motherhood is full of joy, pride, and boundless love. But beneath these layers, there lies a lesser-spoken truth—the weight of grief that can accompany such profound connection. Love in action, as Dostoevsky observed, is "a harsh and dreadful thing compared with love in dreams ... But active love is labor and fortitude." In the role of a mother, this love often demands the sacrifice of one’s own wellbeing, poured out for others with little acknowledgment of the toll it takes.

We rarely give voice to the silent pains of motherhood, obscured by a culture that celebrates only its joys. For those whose journey is marked by struggle, loss, and quiet suffering, this silence can be isolating. My work seeks to create a space for these hidden emotions to breathe, to be seen. In giving form to this shared but often concealed experience, I hope to invite others into a space where they feel less alone.

Suffering, though it leaves indelible marks, can transform us—shaping us into people of compassion and discernment. Through grief, we learn to hold space for others in their pain. Accepting the full spectrum of human experience, both joy and sorrow, allows us to cultivate empathy for ourselves and others. It is through acknowledging life’s shadows that we begin to truly cherish its beauty.

I believe that loss and renewal are intertwined, flowing together like rain. Rain washes away the built-up dust and pollution from the world, as tears can help cleanse the dirt and grit of life, the heartache and pain, making room for new beginnings. Just as the skies must release their heavy waters to the earth, we too must allow the weight of life built up in our bodies to flow out, replenishing our dry souls.

After the weeping, whether by the sky or the shedding of our tears, we hope to find the strength to move forward.

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